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Neal Systems Monitors Pump Vibration to Minimize Unexpected Downtime

September 8, 2023

If your water, wastewater, or storm water runoff facility had a critical pump that went down for just ONE day unexpectedly, how would that impact your bottom line?  Neal Systems, along with our partners from Metrix Vibration and Alta Solutions, have 20 years of experience providing custom vibration/temperature monitoring systems for many different types of pumping systems. 

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A properly designed rotary machinery monitoring system on a large pump can often spot critical problems such as worn bearings, shaft misalignment, pump cavitation, or other defects before they become severe. 

Our experts utilize knowledge from design standards such as the Hydraulic Institute to ensure that you have an effective understanding of baseline values, normal operating values, as well as alarm scenarios.  This data can be used to either perform shut-down operations, or alert a local operator, a local SCADA / DCS or PLC, and even trended for long-term evaluation.  

How healthy are YOUR pumps?

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