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New High Performance Pyrometer Series by Process Sensors
July 23, 2014Features
Process Sensors introduces their newest self-contained pyrometer models, the stand-alone PSC-SR56N Series. With an outstanding price/performance ratio, this series of two-color sensors is packed with features that make these pyrometers the perfect choice for custom application requirements such as:
Wide Range of Applications
The nature of these highly compact and versatile IR sensors make them ideal for use in:
Designed for Harsh Industrial Continuous Operations
Optical and electronics parts are enclosed in rugged cylindrical stainless steel housings for high performance in the most demanding environments to include under demanding research and development conditions. The durable and compact companion stainless steel cooling jacket with integrated air purge stands up to even the harshest environments, and a number of innovative, ruggedly designed accessories are available.
Four Sighting Methods Available
With five temperature ranges spanning from 500°to 3000°C, the new models offer a choice of through-lens sighting, an integrated red laser, video camera sighting, or an electronic viewfinder. The unique electronic viewfinder feature allows the user to view into the sensor’s eye-piece and observe a colorized video image of the process under measurement.
Easy to Set Up
The free of charge PSCSpot software with optional USB cable for connection to RS485 output allows simple set-up of IR thermometer parameters, facilitates multi-tasking, and makes it simple to record data in graphical, text, or tabular format.
Advantages of Two-Color or Ratio Pyrometers
These pyrometers measure temperatures from the ratio of radiation signals of two adjacent wavelengths as opposed to measuring the absolute intensity within one wavelength, as with one-color pyrometers. The advantages and benefits of using two-color sensors are:
- Automatic compensation for viewing through dirty windows, dust and partial smoke between sensor and target.
- Compensation for changes in target emissivity (i.e., gray bodies); targets with the same emissivity on both wavelengths.
- Measures smaller target than sensor’s field of view (FOV/Spot Size) (i.e., measures weighted peak temperature within FOV.
- Unaffected by moving targets within FOV.