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Printing Charts from a Graphic Recorder

April 13, 2020

What is holding your plant back from switching from traditional paper circular recorders made by Chessell, Honeywell, BIF, Fischer Porter, Yokogawa, or ABB to an upgraded graphic recorder?

The most common reason for not upgrading is the need for printed circular charts. 

The Nano392, Neal Systems’ retrofitted custom configured graphic recorder that mounts directly into a Chessell 392 recorder case (as well as other manufacturers), can now print circular paper charts to a local or network printer when using the new Reviewer software available for the Nano392.



The upcoming obsolescence of most paper circular recorders has increased the costs of charts, pens, and instrument repairs. By upgrading now, our service team can configure and install your custom solution at a priority, as well as train your engineering and maintenance teams remotely. 

Check out the Nano392 on our webstore!

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