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Trainer Spotlight: Pete Hutwelker

November 4, 2021

You may know Pete Hutwelker from his previous company ES2, which has now become apart of NSI. Or you may have even attended one of his trainings! Pete teaches a variety of training courses: gas feed system design, service & safety: chlorine, ammonia and sulfur dioxide, basic electricity, troubleshooting control systems, instruments and controls, PLCs & basic programming, process control, instrumentation. 

Pete teaches 2 certified PADEP training courses:

Chlorine Gas Feed Systems Operation, Maintenance & Safety  (3) hours

This course is designed to provide water and wastewater treatment plant operation and maintenance personnel with an understanding of chlorine gas feed systems, controls and accessories. The course is designed for presentation to both beginners and experienced operation and maintenance personnel. Upon completion of the course, students will have a clear understanding of how chlorine is transferred from the cylinder, into the water and everything in between. The slide presentations and actual equipment demonstrations help students relate to real world conditions. System operation, maintenance and safety are covered in detail. Short version of Course #2133.

Instruments and Controls for Water & Wastewater Treatment (3) hours

This course is designed to provide water & wastewater plant operation & maintenance personnel with a general understanding of Process Instrumentation and Controls. The course is designed for presentation to both beginners and experienced operation and maintenance personnel. Upon completion of the course, students will have a better understanding of how the instruments and control systems in their facility operate and how to identify and troubleshoot problems. Electrical safety is covered in detail.

Interested in training with Pete? Let us know

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